Items filtered by date: Tuesday, 01 August 2017

On July 07, 2017, Ministry of Commerce has issued a Prakas No: 172 MOC/PK to modify the Prakas No: 047 MOC/SM dated January 23, 2013 concerning the price tag in Riels currency. This new Prakas was issued to impose all Traders, Venders, and Service Providers in Cambodia to put the price tag in Riels currency on their selling products and services. The Prakas is purposed to promote the transparency of the national currency over the goods, product, and service charged in Cambodia.

However, some business area, called “Duty Free”, which are licensed by the Government to have price tag in foreign currency, they are required to have an approval from Municipal or Provincial Department of Commerce of the place of business. The approval is valid for one year and it is subject to be renewable. The approval shall be submitted with the required documents where consist of Application Form, Certificate of Incorporation, latest Patent Certificate, ID Card or Passport, and three of 4 X 6 photos. All Duty Free Shops who held an approval to have price tags in foreign currency has duty to pay the public free as stipulated in Public Official Fee of Ministry of Commerce.

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