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Filing of Annual Declaration of Commercial Enterprise

Ministry of Commerce has issued a new Prakas No. 107 MOC/SM on “Filing of Annual Declaration of Commercial Enterprise” on 05th April, 2017 and at the same time nulled Prakas No. 104 MOC/SM dated on 07th April, 2008.

Since the registration system has been available to conduct online, filing annual declaration of Commercial Enterprise is too available and required to file online. All commercial enterprises will be sent a notice to file their annual declaration in the eleventh month and are required to start filing them including other references in the twelfth month counted from the date of their commercial registrations through online system. The duration for filing is provided for three months following from the beginning date of the abovementioned twelfth month
In case any commercial enterprise fail to comply with this prakas to file the annual declaration, they will be imposed under penalties set force in the laws and this Prakas. The sole Prakas will penalize 1 Million Riels for such failure.

The Prakas has indicated some particular information to be filled in the online system for all commercial enterprise including Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Tax Registration Date, Patent Certificate in the year of filing the annual declaration, number of employees including referenced documents specified on their duties, currently used phone numbers and email addresses of the company. It is, however, important to note that except Public Limited Company is required to submit other additional informations to the above listed which include financial statement and the company’s owner record.

Last modified on Friday, 26 May 2017 03:08
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