Prakas on Licensing and Managing of Collective Investment Scheme Activities

The Securities and Exchange Committee of Cambodia (“SECC”) has issued a Prakas on Licensing and Managing of Collective Investment Scheme Activities dated May 29, 2018 (“Prakas”). This Prakas is made to govern the business objective concerning the Collective Investment Scheme and its stakeholder for being effective, transparent and efficiency. It also stated the condition and procedure to provide license/approval, and the renewal of such lincese/approval and determind the certian oblication after recieving the license/approval. In according to this Prakas, they provide license to several type of establishments to conducts business activities which in line of Collective Investment Scheme. They are Fund Management Company, Fund Management Representative, Crowdfunding Representative, Distribution Company, and Funding Selling Representative… etc. Each establishment has two years license and three years-renewal. Abovementioned establishments is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Committee of Cambodia.

Source: Prakas on Licensing and Managing of Collective Investment Scheme Activities, dated June 29, 2018

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 04:41
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